Kuva James Prevettin näyttelystä Galleria Sculptorissa. Etualalla valkoisella jalustalla kolme teosta. Valkoisella seinällä roikkuu kolme teosta, jotka ovat eri sinisen sävyisiä muovipusseja.
James Prevett's exhibition at Galleria Sculptor in 2022. Photo: Aukusti Heinonen.

Holding an Exhibition

Galleria Sculptor is the only gallery in Finland that focuses on presenting contemporary sculpture. All professional artists can apply for an exhibition time at Galleria Sculptor for exhibitions that focus on spatial and three-dimensional art. Open call to Galleria Sculptor’s exhibition times is held twice a year.

The annual application periods are in March and September. The spring applications concern exhibitions in the autumn one and a half years away and the autumn applications exhibitions in the spring one and a half years away. The application period for Autumn 2026 opens in March 2025.

We do not accept applications by email or post.

The Exhibition Committee may admit again an exhibition time, when 5 years have passed between the artist’s last exhibition at Galleria Sculptor and the date of the exhibition applied for.

The applications can be sent only for one exhibition period at a time (Autumn or Spring). We welcome applications also from working groups. The contact person of the working group submits the application.

The exhibition periods are 4 weeks long, including installation days (Mon-Wed) and the exhibition opening day, which is held on Thursdays.

There are three different options of exhibition spaces one can apply for: the studio, the gallery and the whole space (both the studio and gallery spaces).

Exhibition Space

The exhibition space is in total approximately 118 m², of which the gallery space with windows is 88 m², and the studio space without windows is 30 m².

The height of the gallery space varies from 3,78 meters to 4,06 meters. The height of the studio space is 3,90 meters.

Exhibition Rents

In 2023–2024, Galleria Sculptor is rent-free for artists. In 2024, the gallery will pay exhibition fees to each artist holding exhibition at Galleria Sculptor.

The Association of Finnish Sculptors is committed to promoting good exhibition practices with the aim to hold rent-free exhibition space and paying artists exhibition fees.

The rent-free policy will also apply to future exhibition times if we receive in the future funding to maintain rent-free spaces. At the moment, the exhibition rents are determined at the beginning of each year due to yearly admitted funding to the gallery.

At the moment, the maximum rents (below) apply to exhibition times in 2025–:

Members of the Association
Studio                  (n. 30 m²)      200 €
Gallery                 (n. 88 m²)     450 €
Whole space     (n. 118 m²)      600 €

Studio                   (n. 30 m²)      300 €
Galleria             (n. 88 m²)         675 €
Whole space      (n. 118 m²)      950 €

The rent includes communications, sales, marketing, guarding of the exhibition, press photos of the exhibition by a professional photographer, and a video interview of the artist that will be on display at the gallery and in the Galleria Sculptor’s YouTube channel.

The artist is responsible for the installation of the artworks, transport and insurance costs, travel expenses, technical support, and rental of any necessary equipment.

Galleria Sculptor’s commission on all sales is 35 % up to 15 000 €, after which the sales commissions are determined according to the price of the sold works as follows (prices without VAT):

Virtual Tour of the Gallery

How to apply for an exhibition time at Galleria Sculptor?

Submit a free-form application that states your exhibition plan to Galleria Sculptor. Applications must be submitted via an application form that will be open on this page.

A pdf-file containing the following is attached to the application form:

Please name the pdf file: surname_name_Exhibition_Application_season. The documents can be combined with pdf join.

If the exhibition includes sound or other special technology, this must be mentioned in the application. Please note that the spaces of Galleria Sculptor are not suitable for the presentation of works with loud sound (max. limit 75 db), as the office space is located next to the exhibition space.

The studio space can be darkened by a blackout curtain hanging from the doorway, if necessary. Smaller exhibitions, or for example video works, can be proposed to this space. If you propose a video work, you may include a link to the video in the exhibition plan text.

When applying for an exhibition time in the gallery or studio space, please notice that there may be a soundscape included in the other exhibition. The exhibition committee aims to select the exhibitions so that the exhibitions do not disturb each other.

Exhibition committee:
The exhibitions are selected by the Exhibition Committee, which is elected at the general meeting of the members of the Association of Finnish Sculptors. The term of exhibition committee members is two years.

Exhibition Committee 2024:
Timo Aho, Eetu Huhtala, Jenni Tieaho, and Henrik Härkönen representing the executive board of the Association of Finnish Sculptors.

All applicants will be notified by email after the open call deadline, and a second time, about the committee’s decisions. Decisions will be made within 6-8 weeks of the application deadline.

The Exhibition Committee may admit again an exhibition time, when 5 years have passed between the artist’s latest exhibition at Galleria Sculptor and the date of the exhibition applied for.

The artists who are selected for having their exhibition at Galleria Sculptor, commit themselves to not exhibiting same works, that will be shown in the exhibition at Galleria Sculptor, in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area in the period between the signing of the exhibition agreement and the conclusion of the exhibition. If the artist breaks the deal, the exhibition will be cancelled by the gallery without any compensation.

Impediments to decision-making and selection:

A member of the Executive Board of the Association of Finnish Sculptors or the Exhibition Committee is disqualified from receiving an exhibition time at Galleria Sculptor.

This restriction extends also to the Exhibition Committee member’s immediate family, family members and close relatives, as well as to close collaborators, such as being a member in an active artist duo with the Exhibition Committee member. They cannot be granted an exhibition time at Galleria Sculptor.

A member of the Exhibition Committee, who is disqualified from taking part in the decision-making process of an individual application, is not prevented from taking part in the decision-making for other applications.

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