Photo: Vesa-Pekka Rannikko, Vuo – virrat yhdistyvät, 2020, Espoo

Public Art Advisory Services

Association of Finnish Sculptors advises with public art and its’ acquisition, materials, techniques, contracts and curatorial matters whilst taking into consideration the different fields of sculpture. Areas covered range from portraits and funerary sculptures to large public artworks.

Via Isot veistokset -acquisition services it is possible to rent or purchase already existing works of art. Advise is given to recipients, buyers and members of the association.

The New Schema for Temporary Public Art

Isot veistokset -rental and acquisition services brings a new approach developed by the Association of Finnish Sculptures to the methods of acquiring public art. It is targeted to public services as well as companies, organizations, event organizers and private operators, who will rent or buy our members’ large-scale sculptures. The service enables fast art acquisitions for the needs of companies, different events and festivals as well as cities and municipalities’ anniversaries for example. Clients can choose from the vast range of artworks by professional sculptors.

The service has been developed with Ministry of Education and Culture’s subsidie OKM välittäjäportaan kehittämisavustus in 2020.

Find out more here. (Only in Finnish)


Exhibition project Sculpture Expanded – Moving Laboratory of Public Art by the Association of Finnish Sculptors showcased a new model for organizing exhibitions in the public urban surrounding. During the exhibition the same works changed locations from the city center’s lookouts to residential areas of Helsinki’s suburbs.

Read more about project here.

Watch the opening ceremony here.

Watch the exhibition video here.

The exhibition publication Sculpture Expanded 17.5. –15.9.2019, Liikkuva julkisen taiteen laboratorio Helsingissä, toim. Moona Tikka, Tiina Veräjänkorva, Parus Verus, 2019, ISBN 978–952–7245–10–1, 142 s.

Find the publication at Galleria Sculptor, Eteläranta 12, Helsinki, or order it via email Price 20 € + postage fees.

The Sculptors’ Home Page

The Association of Finnish Sculptors is a nationwide organization for professional sculptors. Most of its nearly 500 members have created public art.

Explore more via the member registry of the Association of Finnish Sculptors, where you can find links to the home pages of the member artists. Browse all members here.

Competition Archive

Until 2016 The executive director of the Association of Finnish Sculptors served as the competition ombudsman of the Artists’ Association of Finland. The Association has a competition archive which includes the art competitions organized according to the competition rules of the Artists’ Association of Finland up until 2016.

The competition archive of the Association of Finnish Sculptors is available for researchers. Please book an appointment in order to access the archive. 

Professional and Advisory Services Contact Details

Association of Finnish Sculptors
Eteläranta 12, 00130 Helsinki

Executive director
Karoliina Korpilahti
+358 (0)50 360 1182

Since the summer of 2016 Artists’ Association of Finland’s competition ombudsman is the Artists’ Association of Finland’s lawyer. 

Artists’ Association of Finland’s lawyer and competition ombudsman Viivi Kuosa advises with questions regarding competitions, portofolios, contracts and copyright issues.

Viivi Kuosa
+358(0)40 589 9548
Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays via phone call between 10 AM and 12 PM.

Public Art – Links website website provides an overview of the models for commissioning, funding and carrying out public art projects in Finland.

The Artists’ Association of Finland Artists’ Association of Finland is an advocate and expert organisation for visual arts. We represent over 3 000 professional artists working in Finland. Guidance and support on working as an artist and professional development: information about various topics, such as social security, taxation, contracts, organizing work and selling artworks. Read more of public art.

Taike, Public Art Advisory Services Taike’s public art advisory services support public and private actors and artists in funding and implementing public art projects. 

Kuvasto ry Kuvasto, founded in 1987, is a copyright society for artists working in the field of visual arts.

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