Supermarket Art Fair 2018
Kuvanveistäjäliiton jäsenet Aimo Katajamäki, Juha Menna ja Tuula Närhinen osallistuvat Supermarket -taidemessuille huhtikuussa Tukholmassa.
Three members of the Association of Finnish Sculptors represent Gallery Sculptor at the Supermarket Art Fair – a yearly independent art fair in Stockholm.
Aimo Katajamäki works between art and design. He uses wood and ceramics and also makes illustrations and posters. Lately he has ventured into designing art for facades of public buildings. Drawing, woodwork and bronze are Juha Menna’s main techniques. His works are often figurative. His work has been led by everyday heroes, broken heroes, childhood superheroes. Their legacy is transmitted to his artworks. Tuula Närhinen is a visual artist based in Helsinki. Her work explores the physical and conceptual underpinnings of pictorial representation. She constructs experimental interfaces that connect the observer with the fabric of the world.
Tuula Närhinen, ‘Shaving in East Iceland – portraits and landscapes’, 2017
Juha Menna, ‘Illan hämärtyessä hän mietti pahoja tekojaan (Eemelin hylly)’, 2017
Aimo Katajamäki, ‘The Phantom as a teenager’, 2016